Vaidya Amar

Is a very skilled young Ayurvedic physician. But how he treats the complex and incurable diseases and the patients who are benefited makes his stature seem at par with that of an elderly or experienced physician. Vaidya Amar is well nourished and down to earth person and understands the human values and emotions very well. He believes that a healthy practice is based on honesty and trust between the patient and the doctor. When meeting a patient, he never holds back information from the patients. He always tries to look at factors like the constitution of the body i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kafa. The physical and clinical features and symptoms displayed by patients. He also keeps an eye on the psychological symptoms, the patient’s lifestyle along with their daily routine life.

Vaidya Amar is the representative and putting forward the legacy of his Legendary Late Bade Pitaji honoured as Nagwan wale vaidya ji , the Ayurvedic physician established in the region through the pulse diagnosis (NadiPraikshad) of the disappearing Ayurveda. Vaidya Amar recalls and realizes every moment that he has been known for honest and cheap treatment in the area for nearly six decades. Medicine for him is just an extension of their inherited service.

Millions of serious and chronic patients from across major cities of India such as Delhi, Mumbai, Punjab, Bihar and Nepal who have been disheartened and frustrated with life, have also got new hope and lives. Today Vaidya Amar is treating patients with the same spirit and devotion to that tradition. He has mastered the ability to assess the condition of a patient’s sugar level,cholesterol level, kidney-liver, etc. through Pulse Diagnosis (NadiPrikshad). Herbal remedies are the basic foundation of their medicine along with traditional medicine. His simple personality helps the patients to understand their problems. According to him, the person does not matter for treatment; the only thing that matters for him is the patient’s disease. Thousands of patients, who are suffering from cancer, liver, kidney, encephalitis, diabetes, stomach, etc., and the patients whose diseases are incurable are getting benefited. Today, his growing popularity in every category of patients is also a sign of his genuine devotion to Ayurvedic Pathy and underprivileged people. He is instrumental and focused on research to new Ayurveda medicines using modern technology. His dream is to treat patients in the natural environment through Panchakarma and Yoga.



Ayurveda means the “Science of life”. It is the traditional healing modality of vedic culture from India. Ayurvedic text begins with accounts of the transmission of medical knowledge from God to sages and then to human physicians.


                                                      प्रयोजनं चास्य स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्यरक्षणमातुरस्य विकारप्रशमनं च।
      “The purpose of Ayurveda is to protect the health of healthy person and remove the disease of the patient.”

INDIA is the motherland of Ayurveda but it’s amazing benefits appear to have been forgotten by our people, whereas the people of other countries keep following and adopting Ayurveda in their everyday life. Since the pathy  is known for not having any side-effect, the common people are getting benefited naturally maintaining their healthy life style by practising its principles. But, it is satisfying to learn that now-a-days the people of our country are getting increasingly aware of Ayurveda and subsequently our government is also laying special emphasis on promoting its therapeutic properties. Our present Prime Minister, Sri Narendra modi himself is an ardent follower of Ayurveda and takes tremendous interest in bringing to its an element of overwhelming universality , through motivating people to enable this pathy to revive its past glory and make it an integral part of their routine life.
Ayurveda is not only related to health it is a part of our Indian culture.